Logistical-productive reorganization of a company manufacturing office furniture.


The Customer offers a mid-range product. Business was grossly inefficient and fragmented over two factories. Consulgroup was called in for a total re-organization.


Consulgroup has performed an analysis of the company and drawn up a three-year Industrial Plan which has been shared with the company. To do this it has availed itself of a Temporary managing director appointed to General management and of a team of specialists. The activities have involved the production and logistics area with the cooperation of the company’s management team.

    • Re-organization of the production activities of the two factories with sizeable investments in plant and machinery.
    • Outsourcing of non-value-added activities and of logistics.
    • Review of the industrial cost formation system..
    • Completion of the business structure with the necessary expertise.
    • Review of the procurement, storage and retrieval processes.
    • Development of I.T. system and introduction of a new 3D design system.



The company is now more efficient and competitive; its management has developed elevated professional skills; it has achieved a suitable level of industrial rationalization.