Internal re-organisation of the sales area of a “multi-utility” company


The Client is a leading public utility company of Central Italy. The integration and development processes in the area and for line of service had increased the complexity of managing customer relations leading to dissatisfaction.


Consulgroup was asked to analyse all the customer processes of the sales area, identify the causes of the problems and redefine the roles and operating procedures. In six months a team of Consulgroup consultants worked alongside the Sales Management Team of the company, initially in the analysis phase and subsequently in the implementation phase of the new organization of the sales area.


    • Simplification of the organizational levels of the customer counters/client helpdesks, new branch network and new sizing of call centre.


    • Reorganisation of the processes connected with client invoicing.


    • Creation of a staff unit to define the “operating standards” internally and the monitoring of client processes.


    • Reorganisation of the service recovery activities.




6 months from the implementation of the new organization non-conformities, internal errors and customer complaints were dramatically reduced. The front office activities were lightened.